Great for getting into e bikes
Great bike, I’ve had to make some repairs and all the parts are super easy to find. Tires are decent for a cheap Chinese set but I replaced them after about 500 miles on them they could have lasted longer but that’s one of the best parts about this bike is it’s really easy to find upgrades for your bike. I bought some tools watched some videos (look up lo26) idk they changed the name and I recommend buying a better headlight and tail light if you are going to be doing any night riding because the light it comes with was broken not even a month after I got the bike, and you can also buy a tail light on Amazon very important if you are going to ride when it’s dark out. Bikes a beast though for the price and with a little extra money buying upgrades I’ve been able to save so much money not needing to use a car. I’ve been able to invest and save money instead of needing to pay for a car, insurance, gas. Plus you can afford an Uber anytime.